ヤオハン 大森店 i Tochigi

Japanヤオハン 大森店



🕗 åbningstider

451-7 Ōmorimachi, Tochigi, 328-0133, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 282-31-3501
internet side: liondor.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 36.4143882, Longitude: 139.6978782

kommentar 5




    Although the products were good, it was a shame that neither the female clerk near the entrance nor the old man at the cash register said ``Welcome and thank you.''

  • 本間潤樹



    Used for camping shopping The selection of products is not necessarily good. We don't have many variations of a single food. I get the impression that they only stock best-selling and standard items. Don't imagine a large supermarket with a wide selection of products. However, it's not as small as a small rural supermarket in the mountains, so you can get what you want. It's just that there isn't much variety to choose from. Only a few of the best-selling canned chu-hi products were kept chilled, and the rest were kept on the shelf at room temperature. I would like to see more refrigerated items.

  • おいどんママ



    I went shopping for the first time, and the grapes and watermelons were really delicious! Even though I bought it before Obon and didn't eat it right away, the grape branches were still green and I ate it and it was delicious! The watermelon was also delicious and I wanted to eat it again! Recently, I stopped eating watermelon because I didn't think it was very delicious. It reminded me of the watermelon I ate when I was a kid! It tasted like fresh fruit! It's a little far from my house, but I'd like to go there again when I want to eat fruit!

  • 高橋書雄



    Two kids came over with their parents that evening, and the kid was making a lot of noise, and when I glared at them for bothering them, they told their parents off. But there was nothing.

  • イヌ河合



    Sashimi is recommended! We have Kasumigaura shrimp 😄 We also have Tochigi specialty yakisoba noodles!

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