やまとやパーラー en Niigata




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3056 Shirone, Minami Ward, Niigata, 950-1217, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 25-372-2632
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 37.7623055, Longitude: 139.0127047

comentarios 5

  • 佐藤



    Crepe review + lunch. Is the parking lot a mini park a little north across the road? there is. I received the original set B set ¥850 (lunch time 11:30-15:00). This price includes crepes! However, it is a reasonable amount and feels like a light meal. The crepe was stick-shaped and simple, but it was satisfying enough. I could eat one more. However, it is a pity that there are no restrooms, so please be careful.

  • 千円(グーグルメ くちこめんてーたー)

    千円(グーグルメ くちこめんてーたー)


    It was hot that day, so I stopped by Yamatoya Parlor, located in the shopping street on the way from the Sasagawa residence to the Museum of Great Kite and History, to take a short break♪ The atmosphere inside and outside the store is like a long-established Showa era store that has been loved by locals for many years, and is full of charm. The staff member listened to my order in a friendly manner and told me that the Miyako Manju was about to be baked, so please sit down and wait. Soft cream 150 yen Matcha cream 350 yen Miyako Manju (red bean paste/cream) 150 yen each When I asked for it, it was quickly made in a few minutes. My father rarely eats sweets, but soft serve ice cream is cheap! delicious! I ate it thoroughly while praising it. The matcha cream is packed in a cup and is satisfying to eat! The bottom part is frozen solid and won't melt easily, so you can enjoy it till the end! It's more satisfying than eating a fancy parfait at twice the price ♫ Is Miyako Manju small according to reviews? Although it said, there are about the size of ordinary large-sized grills. Because it was wrapped in plastic wrap, it remained moist and delicious even after it cooled down. The soft-serve ice cream is a size that is easy for small children to hold and eat, and the one for waiting home comes with a cone lid, making it perfect for driving! Apparently they also serve shaved ice in the summer, so it might go perfectly with freshly baked Miyako Manju (。・・。)

  • アントニオ勝新



    Soft-serve ice cream eaten after lunch is special! This is an important shop that has been loved by locals for a long time.

  • 池田和也



    It gives the impression of being an old-fashioned sweet shop. I had the Miyako Manju and a crepe, and the Miyako Manju is a baked confectionery that looks like a large-sized bakery. The dough is moist and has a red bean paste and cream flavor. The red bean paste is delicious, but the cream is exquisite. The custard has a strong egg flavor and is super smooth, sweet and delicious. The crepes are stick-shaped and are easy to eat and delicious. Added April 2022 I came to try the white ice cream because I was recommended it on Instagram. Even though I had it for the first time, it had a nostalgic taste, a simple ice cream with a gentle sweetness. I think this is an ice cream that you will never get tired of.

  • m y

    m y


    The cream has a strong egg flavor and has a homemade taste. The red bean paste is not too sweet and easy to eat. The skin is fluffy and delicious. However, the inside of the store is dim and there is a kerosene stove? The smell was so bad that I stopped eating inside. The buns are small. It's 140 yen.

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