Yamasakishika Kyosei Dental Clinic i Kurashiki

JapanYamasakishika Kyosei Dental Clinic



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1005-2 Tanoue, Kurashiki, Okayama 710-0831, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 86-430-0050
internet side: yamasaki-kyosei.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.5877638, Longitude: 133.7551376

kommentar 5

  • boo



    I had been looking for a dentist because I had been concerned about the alignment of my teeth for a long time, and I decided to go here because it was close to my home and he was kind and thorough from the free consultation stage. Every time, the staff are very kind and I feel safe and at ease. I also appreciate that you receive an email notification the day before your appointment!

  • co yuki

    co yuki


    I visited this dentist because I wanted wire braces. Everyone was very kind and always consulted with me, so I was able to complete my orthodontic treatment without any worries! ! I am very happy that I was able to receive good aftercare. I look forward to working with you! !

  • _ ao

    _ ao


    Even though I had to undergo re-orthodontics from another hospital, he was willing to accept my request. Beforehand, I was given detailed information such as an explanation of the risks involved in the treatment and an estimate of the amount I would be required to pay, and with my consent, I proceeded with the treatment. I am grateful to the teachers and staff who always have a smile on their faces and are kind to me. thank you very much.

  • しもかわさき



    Thank you for your help with wire correction. The inside of the hospital is very clean, and the director and other staff All the staff are very kind. I get the impression that everyone from children to the elderly are visiting the clinic. I'm the type of person who can't express what I'm really thinking. How about every time here? It's easy to tell because you can ask! I am satisfied because the correction is going well. Thank you for your continued support regarding maintenance, etc.

  • ちはおじ



    I compared and considered three other hospitals in the city, and because they provided the most thorough examination, I chose this hospital even though it was a little far from my home. The doctors and all the staff really care about their patients! The hospital was kept well-maintained, the staff seemed to get along well with each other, and the atmosphere was very nice and comfortable. The teachers' explanations are very detailed. At first, the plan was to partially straighten only the front teeth, but the plan changed to straightening all teeth. I was referred to an oral surgeon in Mizushima and was able to have my wisdom teeth removed, which was a source of concern for me. It took more time and money than I originally planned, but overall I'm glad I did it. Despite its popularity, the parking lot is small, so if you arrive at a bad timing, it may be full. We can also introduce you to a second parking lot nearby, so you can use that as well! There is a delicious tonkatsu restaurant next door, so I had a hard time at the initial stage of treatment lol.

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