Yamanaka Dental Clinic i Hamamatsu

JapanYamanaka Dental Clinic



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒432-8065 Shizuoka, Hamamatsu, Chūō-ku, Takatsukachō, 1470−1 歯医者
kontakter telefon: +81 53-415-1155
internet side: yamanaka.dental-office.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.6934837, Longitude: 137.679065

kommentar 5

  • えみたん(ジョンコ)



    The dentist I used to go to did root canal treatment, but each treatment took 40 minutes, and for some reason the treatment was not finished even after two years, once a month. My side teeth deteriorated due to stress, and I could only eat nursing care food, and my resistance decreased and I was even hospitalized, which was a disaster, but I started going to the dentist in the middle of the day, and the cracked tooth was fixed. It was discovered that the tooth was infected with bacteria, so the tooth was extracted, but the treatment took less than a year and he was able to chew properly again. I've been to several dentists so far, but no matter where I went, the treatment took a long time and didn't finish easily, so they made sure that I was able to chew, that the treatment was over, and that they regularly checked and cleaned me even after the treatment was over. So it's really helpful. I wish I had gone earlier. As other people have said, the teachers can be unfriendly at times, but they give good explanations and do their job well, so I have no complaints.

  • 大美



    Treatments that should be done in one session are divided into several sessions, X-rays are taken each time, and doctors try to make money by paying for consultation fees and calculations. At other dentists, it would only take one visit. He was unfriendly and simply said that this was normal if the treatment was covered by medical fees, and there was no detailed explanation. I'll never go again

  • 中川日出子



    The hospital is clean and we have taken all measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus, so you can feel safe visiting the hospital. All the teachers and staff are kind and considerate. thank you.

  • OH happy

    OH happy


    Since it opened recently, the equipment is new and good, but the staff, including the dentist, don't get along well with each other. Dentist lacks explanation about treatment ❗ Dental hygienist's skills are not as good as others.

  • Chan Yama

    Chan Yama


    While returning home, I lost a tooth on my back tooth, so I went there for emergency treatment. I searched for it online and decided on it because it had good reviews, and the equipment was new, the treatment was prompt, and the response was just as the reviews had said. I conducted the initial interview using a tablet, but my only regret was that it was a bit slow to respond.

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