Yamamoto's house Shukugo shop en Utsunomiya

JapónYamamoto's house Shukugo shop



🕗 horarios

5-chōme-18-1 Shukugō, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 321-0945, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 28-635-3171
sitio web: tabelog.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.554235, Longitude: 139.9056798

comentarios 5

  • Atsufumi Akaba

    Atsufumi Akaba


    I visited for lunch. I had the soy sauce ramen and the salt ramen. The atmosphere inside the store was calm and the staff were courteous. There was a wide variety of menu items, but I started by ordering something traditional. The soy sauce ramen had a rich but refreshing soup and was very good. Although the noodles were thin, they were easy to eat and left a good impression. Salt ramen is very light. I thought it would be good for the hot season. Both were quite reasonably priced and delicious.

  • kyon kyon

    kyon kyon


    The parking lot is relatively large, so it's easy to visit. This time, two of us visited and decided to order "Soupless Mapo Noodles" and "Shrimp Wonton Noodles" from the signature menu, along with the lunch set of Xiao Long Bao Set and Fried Chicken Set. It takes about 10 minutes to reach the bowl. First of all, the Ebishio Wonton Noodles is a light salt ramen, but it is a delicious ramen with a rich flavor, and the deliciousness of the shrimp wonton is especially impressive! On the other hand, the soup-less mapo noodles are filled to the brim with mapo tofu, which is spicy with the sansho pepper and has a sweetness to it, making it a very delicious dish! Overall, I was very satisfied with the taste, which was beyond my imagination. Our signature menu also includes char siu egg rice and soupless dandan noodles, which I definitely want to try. I look forward to my next return visit.

  • Deidra Williams

    Deidra Williams


    Good food, good portion sizes. Not too expensive

  • すしくん



    ☆Sorry to bother you~ 😁 lol☆ Dinner on the 30th☆ [Ramen Yamamoto-san's House] 5-18-1 Shukugo, Utsunomiya City, Tochigi Prefecture ○What I ordered○ Mapo noodles without soup 1000 yen Large bowl of noodles 120 yen Char siu egg rice 1000 yen Authentic shrimp chive manju 430 yen Almond tofu 330 yen The total is 2880 yen☆ This time I visited Mr. Yamamoto’s house 😊 lol☆ Just by the name, it feels like I visited Mr. Yamamoto's house. It's definitely a ramen shop 😆 lol☆ We are open until 3am☆ The inside of the store had a nice atmosphere and was stylish 😊☆ Mapo noodles without soup☆ It seems to be one of the most popular ramen here so I ordered it ☆ I didn't like the strong tingling sensation of Japanese pepper. This mapo had a lot of Japanese pepper on it, so I thought it would be tingling. Easy-to-eat taste and tingling sensation ☆ Delicious minced meat and melty texture on a large tofu with a strong presence! 😋☆ It wasn't too spicy and the noodles were surprisingly thick. Eating the noodles while pulling them out of the bowl It seems like a way to eat noodles without soup, but it's painless. It was delicious from start to finish 😁☆ Char siu egg rice ☆ This one is also famous It looks extremely beautiful☆ Rice, 5 slices of chashu, and a fried egg ☆ Add the chopped green onions around the rice and the sauce that comes with it. It has an exquisite taste when eaten with chashu. delicious! ☆ If you mix the yolk of a fried egg with it, it will also taste like this. It’s delicious 😋 lol☆ Shrimp chive manju☆ It contains a lot of chives and has a chewy texture. It was very good and delicious 😋☆ Almond tofu☆ Strawberry sauce and homemade almond tofu It goes very well and is the perfect dessert after a hearty meal. It was surprisingly refreshing and delicious without being too sweet 😊☆ It was a really delicious ramen shop. It's voluminous and I'm very satisfied☆ There are other popular menus so I would like to come again 😊☆

  • 小野崎賢志



    I came to the store after seeing it featured in a town magazine. Google maps' business hours were 11:00 to 3:00 a.m., but it is closed from 15:00 to 17:00. (Fixed) I ordered the highly recommended soupless mapo noodles, shrimp wonton noodles, xiaolongbao, and gyoza. Mapo noodles have a flavor of Japanese pepper, but I think the spiciness is mild and easy to eat. When I finished eating the noodles, I added rice and it was delicious twice. The shrimp tide wonton noodles are topped with 5 large wontons and are very satisfying! The salt soup and thin noodles went very well together and were delicious. The xiao long bao and dumplings are delicious, and they're open until late, so I'll be using them again. Thank you for the meal.

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