Yamagata Chūō Post Office en Yamagata

JapónYamagata Chūō Post Office



🕗 horarios

1-chōme-7-24 Tōkamachi, Yamagata, 990-8799, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 570-943-561
sitio web: map.japanpost.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.2488047, Longitude: 140.3359442

comentarios 5

  • h k

    h k


    There was a problem with the mail, and when I talked to the delivery person, my boss told me to contact them, but I haven't heard back from them at all. What's more, I contacted a different delivery person in the same way, but no response was received. When I contact them, they lie and I don't feel like they have any intention of solving the problem. When will I hear back? Problems should be dealt with as soon as possible, but the way you think and respond is the exact opposite!

  • ママクワ



    I once purchased a living insect and had it taken to the central post office, but due to a mistake, it arrived the next day after the specified date. I received a response from the post office where I sent the shipment, saying, ``We will confirm the safety of the living body on the spot, and if it is dead, we will guarantee it.'' When I informed the post office staff, they said, ``I have never heard of such a thing.'' "I haven't." The staff member in charge clearly did not even try to confirm the infidelity. If Yu-Pack allows the shipping and insurance of live insects, I think the minimum measures are necessary. I will never use Yu-Pack again when shipping items myself. ☆I don't want to give it a 1.

  • スワン



    When I asked about insurance, it was pointless. Don't recommend it unless you know you can't get in. People called Thai were really the worst. I got angry. I wish the country would go bankrupt soon.

  • グンタマヤマ



    I used an ATM. It's in a convenient location and there are about 5 (I might be wrong) so it's convenient. The parking lot was fairly large, but be careful as the entrance is a little further back from the main road.

  • 南部



    Regarding delivery. I knew that the delivery would not fit in the mailbox, so I specified a time to avoid the work hours when I would be away. When I got home, there was an absentee note in my mailbox stating that I would not be able to enter the mailbox. I know it won't come in. Since he wasn't there, I specified a time. Maybe it was luck or maybe it was just sarcasm, but there was a missed call, so I was able to talk to him directly. In the end, the delivery man came again a few hours later, didn't apologize at all, snatched my absentee ticket, and left, which made me feel bad. If I have a choice of shipping method, I don't want to use the postal service.

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