Yamada Udon i Machida

JapanYamada Udon



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616-4 Zushimachi, Machida, Tokyo 194-0203, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 42-793-4904
internet side: www.yamada-udon.co.jp
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Latitude: 35.5825211, Longitude: 139.4206678

kommentar 5

  • トミー



    I stopped by at around 3pm on May 7, 2024 because I hadn't eaten lunch and was hungry (o^-^o) I was thinking of trying Kakiage Udon, but I ordered the weekday only daily set. Change to ramen for ¥880 + ¥100 (o^-^o) I would like to go eat there again soon.

  • カン(格之進)



    Citizens of Saitama Prefecture. Sorry if the comment is inappropriate. Many of my friends in Saitama say that they grew up eating Yamada Udon bag noodles during their elementary school lunches. I have only been to Yamada Udon's main store and Higashimurayama store. There are many stores in Saitama Prefecture, but there are only a few stores in the surrounding prefectures. One early morning, I was drawn to the familiar character of Yamada udon and visited Machida Zushi store. Personally, I think this restaurant ranks a little higher than a stand-up soba restaurant. A restaurant that is cheap, fast, and has a rich menu that will leave you full. I don't want it to be very tasty. Today's breakfast is 420 yen Udon is ordinary bag noodles. I don't know the difference between other bag noodles, but don't expect the special udon to be chewy, chewy, or slippery. That is Yamada udon. Same level as near the station The soup is black but sweet, maybe it's bonito soup? Isn't curry roux a cheap retort? Don't think of it as a udon restaurant, but there are other menu items besides udon. The name of the restaurant was changed from Yamada Udon to [Yamada Udon "Shokudo"]. Kakashi's character has also changed!

  • ダルマ・DX



    I stopped by on my way home Curry udon and kakiage bowl quite a long time ago I go to Yamada Udon. Kakiagedon is really 20-30 years ago I remember it being delicious (;^ω^) This parking lot There are places with holes If you let your guard down, you might hit rock bottom?

  • Asshi Photo

    Asshi Photo


    This restaurant has counter seats, 3 tatami seats, and 3 table seats. Please be careful as there are holes in the asphalt at the entrance to the parking lot. This time, I ordered the super special Yamada set, which is only available on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, and shared a large serving of rice, zaru soba, and gyoza. The Yamada set is a set meal with a choice of kakiage bowl, mini punch (boiled offal), and noodles. Kakiage-don has an addictive taste, and it's good to add shichimi on the table, but if you eat it with the wasabi that comes with the zaru soba, it will be refreshing and even more delicious (am I the only one who eats it this way?). The gyoza tasted refreshing and delicious with vinegar and pepper, and was finished off with soba soup. It's a taste that makes you want to eat it regularly.

  • ike



    I have been using this service several times a year for 40 years at different stores. Speaking of Yamada Udon, it's famous for its punch set, which includes offal stew and rice soba or udon.Recently, it's home-style sets and weekday-only menus that aren't particularly delicious, but it's a restaurant that's all on point.☺️Soba and Udon has a traditional taste of soft noodles in a good way😋😄Recently I've been addicted to tanmen😋

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