Yaizushinyokinko Fujiedaeki Shiten i Fujieda

JapanYaizushinyokinko Fujiedaeki Shiten



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2-chōme-35-25 Aoki, Fujieda, Shizuoka 426-0037, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 120-812-114
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.85654, Longitude: 138.252817

kommentar 2

  • F Macaroons

    F Macaroons


    Even when I entered the store, there was no ``welcome'' message. I use the ATM because it's close to my house, but I guess the ATM screen hasn't been wiped in over a week. It's really dirty, full of dust and dirt. It's been in the same state for three years during the coronavirus pandemic, and I once complained over the phone to have it cleaned, but it did get clean for a short period of time, but recently the screen has gotten dirty again. Isn't it normal to clean it several times a day? The photo was taken at 10am, but it was disgusting with all the dust and hair. I have repeatedly complained through word of mouth and over the phone, but nothing has improved, so I recently changed to Shizuoka Bank.

  • みめや



    In the past, tellers were kind and well-educated, but these days they're really horrible except for their appearance. His attitude and tone were as if he didn't want to work. What if I just quit?

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