Yagoto Clinics en Nagoya

JapónYagoto Clinics



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1-chōme-403番地 Shiogamaguchi, Tempaku Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 468-0073, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 52-832-2111
sitio web: yagotohp.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.1361167, Longitude: 136.9779524

comentarios 5

  • ウオォンオォン



    Even if I get stuck in a conversation, he doesn't interrupt me and waits for me. My medication was changed, increased, or decreased each time. It's true that the flow of the medical examination itself is pretty much the same unless there's a major new problem on my part, and I feel like it's a bit boring for people who expect me to listen to them all the time and give them encouragement and comfort like a friend. I wonder if it is? I think. I think it's suitable for people who just want to talk about their situation and receive simple advice from time to time, as well as receive medication to alleviate or treat the pain. However, everything is not done automatically; they listen carefully to what I have to say, and when there is a high level of urgency, they cooperate with other people and the government office. We will carefully explain to you whether or not the drug is highly addictive, what side effects it may have, and even what foods to eat after taking the drug, which tastes a little hard to swallow, to alleviate the taste that remains in your mouth. Please. Honestly, in my life, I had distrust and very rude prejudice towards the doctors of psychiatry and psychosomatic medicine. I thought there was no point in going there if I were to talk about my disbelief by cutting through all my emotions, and that it was a place where people would laugh at me if I talked to them like the people around me. There were a lot of things going on, and when I went to see a psychiatrist for the first time, I learned that there was no such thing. Of course, it all depends on the location and the compatibility with the teachers, but I'm glad I took the exam here. I am still in a position where going to the hospital is indispensable, so if you read this review, you may think that I am a cherry blossom or Kyogen person, but if you are unsure, I recommend that you visit a doctor once. Masu. postscript: I have recently started receiving counseling. At first, I refused counseling because it brought back bitter memories of my junior high school, high school, and university, and the school counselor I attended, but when I tried it at the recommendation of my doctor, I realized that it was completely different from school counseling, and that I couldn't express it well in words. However, I was able to receive counseling that gave me peace of mind. The process is to first have an examination with your doctor and then go to counseling.During the examination, you briefly discuss changes in your physical condition and feelings, and the doctor will tell you about topics that may be best discussed during counseling. . Naturally, they don't just leave the discussion to counseling, they care about whether the counseling is appropriate and whether they are able to say what they want to talk about. Many people have the impression that a counselor is someone who will listen to you for a long time, like a friend, and someone who will sympathize with you and give you advice while comforting you. If you are seeking this type of response, you may want to apply for counseling. Of course, no matter how much fun it is, you must always keep in mind that you are both a counselor and a patient. In my case, when I'm feeling down or having troubles, I talk about it, and when I'm happy or happy, I listen to that too.

  • 2人の母ちゃん! R

    2人の母ちゃん! R


    At the counter, How long will you make me wait? ? There was a menopausal hag who was yelling at the staff, and we were very uncomfortable while waiting! I can't say I waited more than an hour. Other hospitals aren't like that either. It's normal to have to wait 4 hours for the Yagoto Red Cross. I was amazed that there was an old woman who was so old and ignorant of the world. If you have a complaint about your teacher, why don't you tell the teacher directly? Do people who don't have that kind of courage behave in a coercive manner towards the staff? There are many teachers who are overbearing. I'm hoping for my reputation to recover. ,

  • 石


    It's normal to have to wait for about 3 hours, which is 2 hours after the reservation time. Even though I kept you waiting that long, I didn't even say a word or apologize. I’m in agony every time (›´ω`‹ ) H is showing off his wedding ring during the examination, but I feel like he's showing off too much💧 He doesn't look angry but always smiles It gives me a sense of security. I believe you, but you smile too much. What's with the unfriendly receptionist that makes people feel intimidated? It makes me feel like I'm being looked down upon because I'm a psychiatric patient, which makes me uncomfortable.

  • 海


    I felt that something was wrong with myself, so I went to see a psychiatrist in my neighborhood. I had avoided going to the hospital, thinking that I would hate it if I had a mental illness, but I was thinking positively that if I had an illness, I might be able to get treatment and get back to normal. I didn't have time to read reviews etc. There was no proper medical examination, and he turned me away and said, ``You're not sick, right? It's your problem. You're not sick, so go home.'' I felt an overwhelming sense of hopelessness, as I had come to see the doctor with the hope of grasping at straws. Later, a friend advised me to go to another hospital because this hospital seems to have a bad reputation, and when I took two thorough tests, I was diagnosed with depression. I told him that I was told that he wasn't sick, but that it was obvious that he was suffering from depression. I was then told that there was a treatment option, and my heart was saved. For those of you who haven't even been properly examined here, please don't listen to me. If you can get a proper examination at another hospital, you can be treated. postscript The nurse was very kind and told me, ``I'm sure it's going to get better,'' before my appointment. After the doctor's appointment, I was so shocked that I locked myself in the bathroom crying, but he called out to me and encouraged me.

  • Danas404



    The hospital is located on top of a mountain, so if you try to go there on foot, it will be difficult to climb the slope. There is a university on the way from the nearest station, and I feel like the people who go there are staring at me, making it difficult to get there and taking strange detours. It's a quiet place unless you walk, and I think the location is very good. In the past, when a hospital purchased land, it was given to them for free with the intention of taking care of the landowner's retirement. This year, I was hospitalized for the first time in about 10 years. For some reason, there are no photos of the wards or rooms on the hospital's website, so for reference, I found a photo of the room taken by a family member who came to visit... [Doctor] My doctor is kind and empathetic, and when I talk to him for more than 10 minutes, he just says, "Yeah, yeah," and listens to me, silently but seriously, sometimes writing things down in my medical record. When I complained about something to the hospital, they politely bowed their heads and apologized many times. I've been using them for 10 years, so I trust them. The attending physician remains the same both when you visit the hospital and when you are hospitalized. [Ward 1] It seems that the air conditioner temperature setting in the summer is fixed at 25 degrees, and since the windows are large, if the sunlight is strong from there, it can feel strangely hot even with the curtains closed, which can be frustrating. did. [Ward 2] 10 years ago, I was hospitalized in a female-only ward, but now there are no male-only or female-only wards, and there are also elderly people with dementia, I end up being groped by uncontrollable men and elderly people with dementia. I begged to be moved to another ward, but I was told that I was basically not allowed to move, and that doctors who were not my attending physician treated me as a delusion just because I was not seen on the two or three surveillance cameras. The wound became even more widespread. While I was washing my face in the shared washroom, a hand was put into my crotch, which pushed me beyond my limits.I was allowed to stay out that weekend, and even after the week ended, I had to complete the discharge procedures without returning to the ward. , I was transferred to the hospital because I was only required to be hospitalized temporarily. I think it's the worst to be in a ward where you don't feel safe or calm. I will never forgive that doctor who certified it as a delusion and the hospital's constitution that mistakenly introduced an ``open policy.'' [Hospital Room] Ten years ago, large rooms were the norm, and private rooms had to be requested, and there were toilets in the private rooms, so it was dark and felt like an isolation room. It has recently undergone extensive renovation work and is now a shiny new building. At first, everyone is placed in a private room without asking, and when their condition stabilizes, they are moved to a larger room. [Meals] Same as 10 years ago, I chose a vegetarian diet, so as someone who loves vegetables, there are many dishes I like, and the taste is quite delicious. You may not be aware of this, but if you apply, you can select a staple diet (more meat and fish) or vegetarian diet (more vegetables), and you can change this with permission from your doctor or nutritionist. [Bathroom] It hasn't changed from the old days. There are only 6 shower openings, which are still small, so you may have to wait to take a bath. In order to keep the hot water flowing in the shower, I have to press the hot water button repeatedly or hold it down with my knee, but this action is very tiring...

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