Yabase Post Office w Akita

JaponiaYabase Post Office



🕗 godziny otwarcia

6-chōme-8-8 Yabasehonchō, Akita, 010-0973, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 18-823-9625
strona internetowej: map.japanpost.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.72599, Longitude: 140.0924163

komentarze 5

  • こざくら



    When I consulted with him about my interest in investing in investment trusts, he gave me a thorough and easy-to-understand explanation. I visited the office again to open an investment trust account, and they were extremely kind. The post office here was the correct answer. I thought.

  • Earhigh M

    Earhigh M


  • 伊藤守



    It's located a little further back from the road, so do you enter from here first? I have thought. (Maybe it's not a problem if it's closely connected to the area and is a local person?) Because it is located in the back, there are few cars passing by, so you can park in the parking lot slowly. I had a question about how to use the ATM, and they answered it politely.

  • 斉藤むーさん



    It is located about 10 meters from the old road and is not noticeable. But fortunately, it's empty, so I use it often. There is a parking lot for 4 cars next to the office and 2 spaces on the side, so I think it is a convenient post office and I have never seen it full.

  • Admiral 56

    Admiral 56


    It is difficult to use because it is located in an inconvenient location. The entrance is also on a curve, so be careful when entering and exiting if you are driving. The entrance is on a curve in a busy area. Especially when the weather is bad, such as in winter, it is difficult to see curved mirrors, so you need to be even more careful.

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