小林歯科医院 in Setagaya City




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1-chōme-3-10 Sakurashinmachi, Setagaya City, Tokyo 154-0015, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 3-3701-4775
webseite: www.kdc0337014775.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.628165, Longitude: 139.644744

kommentare 5

  • M M

    M M


    I was looking for a dental clinic around Sakurashinmachi and Yoga, but there were so many that I was confused. In the end, I decided to visit Kobayashi Dental Clinic based on word of mouth. It looks like an ordinary, old-fashioned town dentist. The inside of the hospital has been renovated and is bright and clean. Contemporary jazz was playing in the waiting room. I received treatment from the director, and he is soft-spoken, puts the patient and teeth first, and suggests appropriate treatment. In addition, although they suggest treatments that are not covered by insurance as an option, they never force us to recommend them, and they carefully explain the treatment until we are satisfied. The treatment is efficient and very thorough. I haven't been to the dentist that often, but I think it takes quite a while for the treatment to be completed. The dental hygienists are also kind and helpful. If you are looking for a dental clinic around Sakurashinmachi and Yoga, this is definitely the place for you.

  • sae



    I used it for whitening. I was healed by the calm atmosphere in the hospital and the kind director. The dental hygienist who performed the procedure was very thorough in explaining the procedure and made me feel at ease. The results were better than I expected, and I was happy to hear that the dental hygienist was also happy and said, ``It's really whiter now.'' She also gave me detailed explanations about self-care after returning home, so I can continue to do so with peace of mind. Teeth whitening was something I had never been able to do before, but I wish I had done it sooner! ︎It was so good that I thought.

  • いぃまぁ



    I had in-office whitening. They treated me kindly and politely, and I was able to receive the treatment with peace of mind. The hospital was also clean and gave me a good impression. I was soothed by the background music that was playing, and I ended up dozing off during the treatment. lol If you are currently looking for a dentist or are considering whitening in the future, we highly recommend this clinic!

  • M K

    M K


    The best dentist I've ever been to. It feels like a cozy cafe. Customer service is seamless and guidance such as X-rays is smooth. He also provides detailed explanations that are easy to understand. My previous dentist gave me temporary teeth. The treatment started with the above, and I was blindfolded and had my teeth removed, which was a terrible experience, but this one is completely different. He talked to me until I was satisfied, such as the fact that a ceramic piece costs about 90,000 yen, and he didn't blindfold me, and he even gave me a hand mirror to use for treatment, showing me things like this tooth... Masu. In the end, it was a back tooth, and I had no problems with my insurance because it was still a silver tooth, so I'm glad I came here. Although I have moved far away, I will be taking care of you for a while. In addition, the interior of the waiting room is beautiful, and the TV is always showing world heritage sites, overseas townscapes, and people talking at cafes, making you feel like you are traveling abroad and sightseeing. The music is light jazz, and there are fresh flowers, fresh flowers, and large paintings of flowers on display, which will soothe your mind after treatment.

  • IL



    I've been going there for a year now. I've been thinking of going here for a long time because the doctors and nurses are very attentive, but recently when I asked for my teeth to be cleaned, another nurse wasn't very responsive. I feel like I'm not used to the way I thread the floss or how to use the machine, and the time ends faster than usual, uh...? I couldn't help but think. Honestly, if the same person was in charge next time, I might look elsewhere...

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