五郎八(いろは) in Kumamoto




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4-21 Suizenji Kōen, Chuo Ward, Kumamoto, 862-0956, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 96-382-6336
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 32.7898256, Longitude: 130.73292

kommentare 5

  • sa ma

    sa ma


    I ordered horse liver sashimi, stir-fried bean sprouts, grilled hormones, and fried rice! It was cheap and delicious!

  • はかたきりん



    Best value horse sashimi Suizenji Park 4, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto City This shop is located near Suizenji Park, a little far from the city center. It is easily accessible from the city by tram. The store is old and at first glance you can't tell if it's because of the horse sashimi design of the store. The fragrant smell of sauce wafts outside the store. Apparently they also serve lunch. Horse sashimi has an image of being expensive, but here you can eat delicious horse sashimi at a relatively reasonable price. If you have horse liver sashimi, I would definitely like you to try it. It has no odor and a melt-in-the-mouth taste. The sauce on the sashimi is also exquisite. The fat in horse sashimi melts in your mouth. There is no peculiarity at all and it feels fresh. The aroma of the sauce in stir-fried hormones also whets the appetite. It has a strong seasoning, so we recommend eating it with stir-fried bean sprouts. It's a popular restaurant, so reservations are essential. The frontage of the store is narrow, but there are plenty of seats in the back. There are many recommended restaurants in Kumamoto, but this one is my favorite.

  • Emily Findley

    Emily Findley


    We stumbled upon this place while looking for late-night ramen. Another option we had chosen was closed and we were desperate. I am so so glad the other option was closed. This place was phenomenal. The food was amazing. Service was friendly and fast. The atmosphere was warm, joyful, and inviting. This was exactly what we were looking for. This place also seems to be a hit with locals. Price range was based on a full meal, appetizer, and beers for 2 people.

  • nago imasara

    nago imasara


    At first glance, it doesn't seem that big, but it's deep and can accommodate a large number of parties. Although there aren't many items, each item is voluminous, and each item goes well with sake. Personally, I like the fact that there are a lot of vegetable dishes. There are overwhelmingly many older men, but there are also a few families.

  • doaa alsaadi

    doaa alsaadi


    Very nice restaurant and there is an English menu as well as Japanese. The owner also very nice and friendly. Highly recommend it

nächste Restaurant

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