Wine no Ruisuke zero i Shinjuku-ku

JapanWine no Ruisuke zero



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒160-0023 Tōkyō-to, Shinjuku-ku, Nishishinjuku, 1 Chome−26, 西新宿1丁目26−2
kontakter telefon: +81 50-5786-4563
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.6931542, Longitude: 139.6956634

kommentar 5

  • en

    Martijn Princen


    Great place for food & vibrant atmosphere

  • en

    Kathy Wan


    They have a set lunch menu but the food is very good. You get to choose how much rice you want and you can opt for a larger portion of salad if you go with less rice. Their chicken nanban is mostly meat, which is great, and is perfectly crispy. Staff is also very nice.

  • en

    David L


    good atmosphere

  • Lan Pham

    Lan Pham


    Fun, festive atmosphere with delicious food and wine.

  • Tim Kuhlendahl

    Tim Kuhlendahl


    Good place to go for a date or eat for dinner with friends. The food is delicious and the atmosphere is good. I did not regret going.

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