温泉カフェわかば w Niigata




🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒956-0114 Niigata, Akiha Ward, Amagasawa, 498−1 小須戸温泉健康センター花の湯館
kontakt telefon: +81 250-38-5800
strona internetowej: www.onsencafe.net
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 37.7330825, Longitude: 139.0882511

komentarze 5

  • 上泉伊勢守信綱



    I used the service coupon that was sent to me during my birthday month. I had the mapo noodles and fried chicken set meal. Entering a hot spring facility At the cafe. It was so popular that some customers only used the cafe. It was delicious.

  • 高橋裕之



    It has a nice atmosphere for dining with family, but it's a little small, so if you want to have a relaxing meal, I recommend weekdays. The rest room is spacious, so I think it would be a good idea to relax there.

  • みなさん



    Shio-koji ramen fried chicken set. Is the ramen plain but with sesame oil? I think it's better not to have one. The fried chicken is hot and firm♪

  • おお



    Speaking of Hana-no-Yu, hot spring cafe Wakaba-san! I've been here several times, and all the menu items are very delicious and seem to be good for the body. Especially the one with stir-fried ginger? I really like it! ! Every time I go, it seems like something is running low, but I guess it can't be helped since prices are soaring. . I will bother you when I go to the hot springs again (o^^o)

  • ケンマスターズ



    After the hot spring? I had a meal at The reason was that it felt like a local thing. I recommended fried chicken, but I prefer ginger grilled chicken. The miso soup had a gentle taste, and I got the impression that the tofu was good for the body. Above all, the interior of the facility itself is like a school? It looks like it was renovated, and the interior is stylish and has a lot of sofas, so it's relaxing. Apparently you can rent a room for 3 hours for 2000 yen. I don't think I'll ever come this far, but I might want to come again someday.

najbliższy Kawiarnia

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