Watase Family Dental Clinic w Hamamatsu

JaponiaWatase Family Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒435-0036 Shizuoka, Hamamatsu, 南区Watasechō, 403 ClairNoda 1F
kontakt telefon: +81 53-468-0551
strona internetowej: sakura-fdc.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.7057696, Longitude: 137.7627354

komentarze 5

  • mame mame

    mame mame


    A very thorough dentist. Not recommended




    The nerves in living teeth were cut deep without anesthesia. The pain was like torture and I thought there was something wrong with it, so I transferred to the hospital. The dentist I transferred to was at a loss for words after seeing the procedure. I lost one tooth that could be saved depending on how I treated it. I go there on Sundays, but I'll never go again.

  • たた



    Not at all It wasn't that painful, but I was given multiple shots of anesthesia and the pain got worse. The pain was worse than before the treatment. Even if I told them that, they just told me to get used to it. The pain doesn't go away and it's the worst

  • Chloe 0317

    Chloe 0317


    The receptionist and female doctor are really the worst! It's better not to go! This is a hospital that I don't want to give even one star. I recommend others!

  • 小鳥雀



    There are multiple teachers. The female doctor in charge told me to take my nerves out, but without any explanation of the risks involved, she simply said, ``I'm going to take my nerves out.'' They ask if you feel unwell during the anesthesia, but that's not enough...I was told that they would not be able to remove your wisdom teeth, so they would write a referral letter if necessary, but they were easily removed at another hospital. Also, when I have pain and go to the emergency room, a male dentist is in charge and I have to explain each time. I had to go to the hospital over and over again to get medicine, and I got tired of having to explain things, so I transferred to another hospital. (The cause was that the posterior nerve was not removed and the medicine was too strong, but there was no explanation of the nature of the nerve itself.)

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