Watanabe Seisenkan Takamatsu in Okayama

JapanWatanabe Seisenkan Takamatsu



🕗 öffnungszeiten

372-1 Monzen, Kita Ward, Okayama, 701-1351, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 86-905-0023
webseite: watanabeseisenkan.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.693078, Longitude: 133.810098

kommentare 5

  • . 俊ちゃんクオリティー

    . 俊ちゃんクオリティー


    As it is a fresh food store, there are many fresh foods. The inside of the store is very spacious and has a nice feel. CGC products may be relatively inexpensive. It's fun to have some rare fish. Especially the side dishes are cheap and delicious!

  • ホワイトレールライン



    I mainly buy fresh foods. We also have a wide selection of products. The price is reasonable.

  • かぴばら



    Perhaps because the store is small, the product selection is inferior to competing nearby stores. We have everything you need.

  • きんかん



    When I made a purchase of about 200 yen, the person at the store asked me if I could use the points. Do you usually use points? ! Isn't it? Angry and angry I wonder what kind of customer service you provide. An old lady about 50 years old... Those who remained until the store closed on June 18th. We will contact the head office.

  • 寺沢新子



    I love fish, and I love restaurants like this. Lots of fresh fish. There was some cooked white fish. It's rare. There was also mekabu tea.

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