Watanabe Seisenkan Joto in Okayama

JapanWatanabe Seisenkan Joto



🕗 öffnungszeiten

295 Nakao, Higashi-ku, Okayama, 709-0626, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 86-278-5147
webseite: watanabeseisenkan.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.7002477, Longitude: 134.0234113

kommentare 5

  • D M

    D M


    good. Let's have the fish handled.

  • 冬のうみ



    Maybe it depends on the timing? I went there the other day because I was able to buy large cabbage and komatsuna at a cheap price, but I couldn't find anything today. A supermarket without cabbage... It was on sale and was sold out. The vegetable corner is empty... I'll be passing by again.

  • 宮本靖夫



    I wanted to buy some fish because it looked fresh, but my son is a meat lover so there were many kinds of meat in the meat section, and the domestic beef was cheap. I'm going to make curry tonight.

  • kumorim



    The only supermarket near Kamimichi Station on the JR Sanyo Main Line. Watanabe Fresh Fish Store is the parent supermarket, so there is a wide variety of sashimi available. Recently, an organic vegetable corner has been opened in the local vegetable corner, and I am very grateful that organic komatsuna, garland chrysanthemum, mizuna, mini bok choy, burdock, baby leaves, colored carrots, etc. are now on sale. Inside the store, there is a bakery called ``Panini'' that uses natural yeast, as well as an eat-in corner.Due to the current coronavirus pandemic, the eat-in corner has different themes every few months, such as noodles and oden, which are collected from all over the country. On sale.

  • いえっさ



    There is a wide variety of fish and meat. Other than that, it's expensive compared to other supermarkets.

nächste Supermarkt

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