Watahan Super Center Gondo Store w Nagano

JaponiaWatahan Super Center Gondo Store



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Gondōchō-2196番地1 Tsuruga, Nagano, 380-0833, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 26-238-7171
strona internetowej: watahan.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.6533729, Longitude: 138.1915294

komentarze 5

  • Audrey B

    Audrey B


    Very good place to come do your shopping, on the ground floor you have everything that is non-food, upstairs decoration and others and most importantly in the basement everything that is food, you can find there ready-made dishes and a catering service with quality and fresh products.

  • Naka Hiro

    Naka Hiro


    This area along the Gondo shopping street had the usual scenery of a lion statue, Akiba Shrine, and Ito-Yokado across the plaza, but Yokado has now closed. However, I feel that Mr. Watahan, who replaced him, has maintained the same level of convenience as before. There are quite a few customers, and I hope it becomes a hub of activity.

  • M K (Shinshu)

    M K (Shinshu)


    I think the freshest fish in Nagano city is the best, along with Tokyu. The price is more reasonable than Tokyu. Don't think about the quality of fresh food that's half-cooked. Please come and check out the fish. The vegetables are also fresh. I think it's different from other cotton han. It has become my go-to supermarket. Parking on the rooftop is free for the first hour, and for purchases over 2,000 yen, the parking lot is free for two hours.

  • Jay Barker

    Jay Barker


    Better than Tomato for your grocery needs. Had wasabi in stock and a grater




    This Watahan is a shopping complex, DIYer’s store, pharmacy, bicycle shop, food supermarket, florist and etc. etc. l like flesh sea food store in the supermarket. The store is located at the Nagano city’s biggest drinking district, car parking lot is available but only 1hour free.

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