Waraishokudo Ionmorusakaiteppochoten w Sakai

JaponiaWaraishokudo Ionmorusakaiteppochoten



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1 Teppōchō, Sakai Ward, Sakai, Osaka 590-0905, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 72-221-7772
strona internetowej: www.nishikiwarai.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.5942654, Longitude: 135.4813626

komentarze 5

  • achan29



    A female clerk was serving the customers, and she threw the Tonpeiyaki on the iron plate. It was very disappointing and infuriating. Of course Tonpeiyaki was delicious! ! If the customer service was better, it might have been more delicious.

  • にこたま



    I received an okonomiyaki set meal from a tenant in Aeon Mall.If you ask me, I'll bring you seaweed instead of bonito samurai. You can substitute rice with miso. Just bring it to the grill and warm it up on the iron plate.The sauce is too spicy.

  • annchu



    I ate a variety of dishes while sharing them with people I was on a business trip with. It's Laughter Yaki, but it was fluffy and the texture was new to me. It also had noodles inside and was delicious. The yakisoba was delicious with both salt and sauce, but I liked the salt sauce better. Kyoten-yaki was usually delicious even if eaten as is because it has a seasoning. I was told that adding lemon soy sauce would make it even more delicious, so when I tried it, it had just the right amount of sourness and lemon scent, which refreshed me and restored my appetite. There are no particular comments about modern yaki and sobameshi. (Tastes just like I expected) I used it for the first time, but the firepower of the iron plate is weak? I felt like it wasn't even keeping me warm. I forgot about it because it wasn't on the table, but I wanted Aonori and Ichimi. It seems like you can get it if you say a word to the staff, but would you like it to be placed on the table? That's what I thought. (I understand that it can't be installed easily because of the mischief these days, but I wish they would have put a sticker on it.) Later, as if the timing was good, ``Waraiyaki'' was running a half-price campaign.

  • 博子



    I came here because I wanted to eat Monjayaki. It was a Saturday night, but it was empty and I was able to enter without waiting. I ordered yakisoba and monjayaki, but I was surprised that the yakisoba was served on aluminum foil. There was a note that said there was a small piece of aluminum foil wrapped around it apologetically, but wouldn't that make sense? I thought. Monjayaki and Yakisoba were delicious! The staff's customer service is either mediocre or bad, and rather curt. However, since everyone was standing facing the entrance, I was sitting on a chair facing the opposite direction, so it was a little awkward (≧∇≦)

  • マーサン



    It was my first time to eat okonomiyaki at this restaurant.I ordered yakisoba with Kyoto vegetables in soy sauce and pork balls.The sweetness of the yakisoba went well with the soy sauce and the sweetness of the Kyoto vegetables was very light, so I devoured it in no time. The pork balls had a lot of meat and were delicious. Later on, I thought the Komekko-yaki corn bacon butter cheese would be good with beer, but the chewiness of the mochi and the sweetness of the bacon and corn were good.

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