王様の珈琲 i Sanjo




🕗 åbningstider

3-chōme-2-13 Kōya, Sanjo, Niigata 955-0046, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 256-31-1212
internet side: www.instagram.com
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Latitude: 37.6321746, Longitude: 138.9745115

kommentar 5

  • Ge Kei

    Ge Kei


    Morning use, There seems to be no other restaurant open in the morning near Higashi Sanjo Station? That helped me. There seems to be a different atmosphere in the lunch zone, Calm in-store BGM during morning hours, The atmosphere created by the interior and lighting, and the friendliness of the store staff. Everything from the speed of delivery to the taste was very satisfying. Drinks + 200 yen included a morning plate. Bread spread with jam butter goes well with coffee. The salad dressing was very delicious. Along with this, the fried soup stock tofu garnish was unusual and heartwarming. Thank you for the meal.

  • 竹内祐二



    Homemade pudding & iced coffee I went there because I wanted to eat homemade pudding. Hard bittersweet pudding for adults🍮 It was a space with a variety of people, including people having lunch at the counter and people enjoying conversation at tables. The store staff were also nice and polite.

  • ともいち



    I used it for the first time for lunch. I ordered the beef tendon curry lunch from the lunch menu. The set drink was iced coffee. The curry was delicious as usual. The coffee was delicious, but I felt like it lacked aroma. Well, maybe it can't be helped since it's ice cream. I think the atmosphere is good. However, when I went, most of the customers were adult women and it was lively. I couldn't calm down from what I was doing. I would like to come again at a different time.

  • 上野友夏里



    This is a store I happened to be passing by. The store was nearly full with regulars and people with reservations, but I was able to enter. There was a type where you could take off your shoes and relax (for those who had made a reservation), a regular seat, and a sofa. Today I ordered the daily lunch special. Today's dish was spicy and delicious cold shabu. It had a Korean spiciness, but it was spicy enough for me to eat. Other dishes include parent and child stew, salad, egg soup, and rice. is. Apparently you can get unlimited refills of the soup and rice, but it's quite filling! It came with an after-meal drink and cost less than 1,000 yen, so it was a great deal 🉐 As expected of a coffee shop after a meal! The taste was perfect. Thank you for the meal.

  • み


    long-established coffee shop I went to the store at noon on weekdays for pudding! The seats were almost full! The age range is wide 🙂 Hard pudding conveys the flavor of eggs directly. It goes perfectly with caramel, which has a slightly adult bitterness! It has a deep caramel-like coffee flavor (I feel like it)! I thought it was so delicious that the price wasn't worth it. I will go eat again ^^

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