Wangfujing Honten en Yokohama

JapónWangfujing Honten



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191-24 Yamashitachō, Naka Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 231-0023, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 45-641-1595
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.4434429, Longitude: 139.6464021

comentarios 5

  • Summer Wang

    Summer Wang


    Ventured into the heart of Yokohama's Chinatown with a hankering for Chinese food and stumbled upon this delightful dumpling spot. The setup is akin to street food, sans seating, so be prepared to enjoy your meal standing by the sidewalk. Juggling the plate while navigating the steaming hot dumplings proved to be a bit of a balancing act, but it was all part of the fun. The dumplings themselves were a treat – I opted for the three flavors set, featuring 2 dumplings per flavor, and each one was a hit. The flavors were spot on, capturing the essence of authentic Chinese dumplings beautifully. Despite the slight inconvenience of the no-seating arrangement, the quality of the dumplings more than made up for it.

  • Kelly Crawford

    Kelly Crawford


    One of the oldest and best known chinese restaurants in Yokohama, I come here for the authentic shanghai style pan fried dumplings. I also love the peking duck with delicate, thin pancakes, hoisin sauce and spring onions. The wonton soup is a good light lunch with hearty broth and wontons filled with a mixture of pork, shrimp, and vegetables.

  • Anonymous Blogger

    Anonymous Blogger


    The food was SO BAD! We ordered the 8 pack of soup dumplings which came with 4 soup dumplings and 4 other ones which weren’t on the photo. A bit confused at first but went with it. The lady who served us clearly just didn’t want to be there, was pretty rude but oh well, life goes on. The soup dumplings were stodgy on top, the meat was flakey and hardly anything in it and the outside part was powdery. I’ve tried so many as it’s my favourite dish but this had got to be the worst. Wouldn’t recommend it. Go somewhere else on the road.

  • Mark Ong

    Mark Ong


    Not the cheapest on the street but one with the best combination of 3 different favour at reasonable price. Choose this shop over the multiple competitors because it is one of the more famous store in the area. Many options to choose from . I choose the fried steam soup dumplings because it's rather unique. Crispy at it's bottom and juicy inside. Bite the wrong way and hot lard start busting all direction. The way to do it right is to create a hole on the soft top , drink the soup then eat the rest. I know you could not walk and eat on Japanese street (culture wise) I did not see any seating either. There was some old sign to forbid eating in store due to Covid . I stand outside the shop and finish it all although I see native dining in .

  • Jerry Ngo

    Jerry Ngo


    Chanced upon this place during my visit to Yokohama. Ordered their famous Xiao long Bao and soup dumplings and seafood fried rice along with fried Mapo tofu. Seafood fried rice is pretty standard and nothing to shout about. The dumplings are pretty tasty and the hot soup oozing out of the dumplings is just right for a cold day. Personally I would prefer the mapo tofu to be spicier but well this is Japanese style. Services wise, it’s average but decent.

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