Wakayama-kano Post Office w Wakayama

JaponiaWakayama-kano Post Office



🕗 godziny otwarcia

274-6 Kanō, Wakayama, 640-8391, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 73-472-5732
strona internetowej: map.japanpost.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.2450996, Longitude: 135.2033183

komentarze 5

  • むーたん猫好き



    All the staff, both male and female, are really friendly and wonderful! ! Except for the young woman. . . Who is that person? ? I went there a few years ago, and I was sitting at the counter, and even though I saw him, he didn't say ``Hello'' or say hello, and I was like, ``Who is this girl?'' I thought he must be nervous since he's new, but it seems like he's not. I just went there, but my attitude is too bad. Why don't you smile more or raise the tone of your voice? ? Are other people so friendly that you're excited? ? No complaints from anyone? That's too strange if that's the case. I told them that I would like to send frozen mail today. I can't send it from my house. That's all I was told. Where can I send it from here? When I asked, it was the Central Post Office. That's what he said. No, I can't send it here, so please send it to the central post office. I can even say it. Then, the woman next to me told me that they can't send frozen parcels to people who don't have a contract with them, so I thought about using another delivery company, but you didn't tell me that. What are you going to do? If the lady next to me hadn't noticed because I was so busy, I would have gone to the central post office in the heat and was told that it was impossible to freeze it. Even though it only took a few minutes, it was very stressful. I can't work too much & I'm too lazy.

  • Masahiro Otani

    Masahiro Otani


    All the staff members are very kind and friendly, and will teach you anything you don't understand without making a negative face.

  • 北風充崇



    It is really inconvenient that there is no parking lot 🥺

  • ほんだとしお



    Kind and quick to respond. The staff are cheerful.

  • hidehiro k

    hidehiro k


    A friendly post office

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