Wakamatsu Clinics in Iwaki

JapanWakamatsu Clinics



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Ōmachi-24 Taira, Iwaki, Fukushima 970-8026, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 246-22-3838
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 37.0534507, Longitude: 140.8950656

kommentare 5

  • 小林



    Even if you measure your blood pressure every month, the same numbers are written on both the top and bottom of your medical chart. I think it's strange. I have to go there to get medicine.

  • まひ



    My child had a fever and was examined and examined at another hospital, but the medicine prescribed at that time did not work well and he was suffering from a cough.Since his fever had subsided, we decided to visit Wakamatsu Clinic. I did. Thanks to the very kind reception staff, and the doctor's accurate diagnosis and prescription, the results were so immediate that I could barely sleep at night. Thank you for visiting me. I'm really thankful to you.

  • Haru Y

    Haru Y


  • 茶とらン



    Nowhere else could see me, but this hospital did. It's true that you can't get a detailed examination, but it's a hospital where you can feel safe when you catch a cold or something. It was helpful. I really appreciate it. She's a very nice grandma teacher.

  • 我妻周二



    I am going for a medical examination to obtain a consent form from the health insurance doctor at Miyabi Acupuncture Clinic.

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