Vie Fujisaki i Sendai

JapanVie Fujisaki



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9-33 Rokuchōnome Minamimachi, Wakabayashi Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 984-0013, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 22-357-0633
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 38.2496318, Longitude: 140.9441035

kommentar 5

  • まーさん



    I was surprised by the staff's customer service style. Several of the staff members looked at the customers as if they were insects, but I wonder what kind of training they have received. The reviews say ``Voices are loud'', but there were 5 employees who were there, and 1 person who said ``Welcome'' to customers when they came in, even though there were no cashiers or clerks to serve customers. did not. I went shopping because I had something to do, but I felt very uncomfortable. We do not recommend this to those who are concerned about customer service style.

  • 木村明夫



    I came to the store to shop for Mother's Day. I was satisfied with the friendly atmosphere of the staff and the reasonable prices.

  • 婆うさ!



    Fujisaki's store staff welcomes you every time you move around the sales floor to select a product! I yelled, feeling distracted and restless. Even though there aren't many new customers coming in, are they making noise to keep the sales floor quiet? There are a lot of items, so I wanted to take my time to browse through them.

  • 00 00

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    It feels like a small, small, small Fujisaki. Convenient if you want to buy something without having to go to town. I wonder if it is. As for the things they sell, well, there are a lot of famous products from other prefectures that are sold in local supermarkets under the ``fair'' category, so I guess it's good for people who are looking for that kind of thing. However, to be extreme, is it necessary to buy this here? It's also sold at the York store next door, but it's priced at ``regular price,'' so I guess it's convenient for people who like high-end zamasu.

  • ずんだのもちこ



    They have clothes, bags, shoes, etc., but I think this store has more items that are suitable for gifts. I use the store for souvenirs and gifts such as tableware, towels, and sweets, but as other reviews have said, I'm generally impressed with the staff's response. Speaking of Fujisaki, many people think of a department store, so I think it would be better if the customer service was improved, no matter how small the store may be. The store itself isn't bad, though, as there are sometimes bargain items lined up on the wagons. The parking lot is shared with York Benimaru, conveyor belt sushi, karaoke shops, etc., so it's spacious and convenient.

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