Vie de France en Taitō-ku

JapónVie de France



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Japón, 〒110-0007 Tōkyō-to, Taitō-ku, Uenokōen, 1−60 京成上野駅構内
contactos teléfono: +81 3-5812-0152
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.7111063, Longitude: 139.7735254

comentarios 5

  • wang yip Law

    wang yip Law






    나리타 공항에서 케이세이 우에노 역에 도착하면 반드시 보이는 파란색 간판 빵집. 가격이 정말 쌉니다. 대체로 150~200엔대. 그렇다고 맛이 없느냐? 전혀요. 가성비가 우리나라 빵이랑 비교가 안됩니다. 왜 우리나라 빵은 그렇게 비쌀까요? 빵에 금을 바르나요? 최고급 재료를 쓰나요? 반성하세요! 반성!

  • Mr XP

    Mr XP


    Great breakfast combos and excellent coffee. I enjoyed my warm tuna sandwich and coffee there. The coffee is rich with great roasty flavour. A great place to have a quick bite around the Ueno area.

  • Christine T

    Christine T


    The bread was a little disappointing. I had a garlic and cheese bread and a “sweet potato” but both were a little flat in flavor and dry. Also, if you’re vegetarian, meat is not included in the allergens label so you have to read the description take a guess or ask the staff which breads don’t include meat.

  • Hiroyuki Takisawa

    Hiroyuki Takisawa


    品揃えが豊富。アレルゲン表示はありますが肉系は書かれていないので注意が必要です。 京成スカイライナー駅近くにありますがクレジットカードは使用できません。

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