Verve Coffee Roasters en Shibuya-ku

JapónVerve Coffee Roasters



🕗 horarios

5 Chome-24-55 Sendagaya, Shibuya-ku, Tōkyō-to 151-0051, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-6273-1325
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.688269, Longitude: 139.701199

comentarios 5

  • en

    Philippa Boland


    Great coffee. Well worth the hunt trying to find it. On the south side of NEWoMan.

  • Shelly



    Friendly staff and awesome coffee! I tried Halo Beriti which was the first light roasted coffee I’ve tasted in Japan. Very fruity and not sour at all. It reminded me of Santa Cruz chill💓

  • en

    bli tunke


    Decent coffee, don't expect too much though. Nice atmosphere. Good music. Staff wears Doc Martens which is a very good contrast to the nice mosaic floor. If only it would feel more natural.

  • Shannon Lee

    Shannon Lee


    Nice location attached to the station, modern style. Quite busy with a few coffee choices from latte to drip. Less stars due to very weak coffee. Like most in Japan (maybe from an Australian perspective) it's like no matter the size there is only ever one shot of coffee put in. Would recommend asking for an extra shot or two depending on your size. Tasty none the less (bit more expensive than other locations).

  • Alejandro Oviedo García

    Alejandro Oviedo García


    I tried the La Mesa from Colombia and it had great flavor with a light body. The place is kinda small but cozy. I felt there was little options for pastries and what you would eat for breakfast.

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