Vege Dream en Unzen

JapónVege Dream



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Shin-856-1 Kunimichō Kōjiro, Unzen, Nagasaki 859-1308, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 957-60-4373
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.8502732, Longitude: 130.2820684

comentarios 5

  • あさこ



    I ordered the Unzen hamburger set. It had a lot of vegetables and was refreshing and easy to eat. The scenery was nice and the staff at the store were kind. I absolutely loved it. I would love to visit you again if you have the chance to go again!

  • 大久保あかね



    Every time I come to Unzen, I buy dressing here. They come in large, medium and small sizes, making them a stylish souvenir. It has a roadside station feel, and there are vegetables and small souvenirs such as seasonings. It's next to a 7-Eleven, and the parking lot is wide and easy to park.

  • jewela



    I've been there several times, but it was full and I couldn't get in. I was lucky to get in easily due to the rain. I ordered a hamburger with medicinal curry and Unzen ham. You can enjoy your meal slowly while looking out at the countryside. There was a very delicious dressing that I bought in Shimabara before, and it turned out to be the dressing from this cafe. Beets are recommended! Also, half of the store had organic vegetables and other foods.

  • ねこ八百



    Sweets with half a melon My wife and daughter were drawn to visit. Half a melon with ice cream Quite a large amount to share among 3 people At the cafe next to the convenience store It's on a hill and the view is good. Made with Unzen ham The hamburger is also full of vegetables. Homemade dressing goes well too It was delicious.

  • Bun Amakusa

    Bun Amakusa


    本格ケバブと珈琲🥙でchill out…

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