Vanilla Beans Minato Mirai Main Store en Yokohama

JapónVanilla Beans Minato Mirai Main Store



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Japan, 〒231-0002 Kanagawa, Yokohama, Naka Ward, Kaigandōri, 5-chōme−25−2 1階
contactos teléfono: +81 45-319-4861
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.4513523, Longitude: 139.6382679

comentarios 5

  • Juan Tomas Rodriguez

    Juan Tomas Rodriguez


    I was very amazed with the kind of chocolate products that you can find here. We had an ice cream and a brownie, both were great but the brownie was excellent. They also ofer a wider variety of raw chocolate and related products. A little expensive and the store doesn’t offer the best setting, but the products do.

  • Mika Y

    Mika Y


    The best chocolate ice cream that I have ever tried in my life! Seems to be a chocolate shop based in Yokohama. The ice cream was cheaper for takeout by 13 yen at 702 yen compared to dine in for 715. They served us the ice cream outside the store. If you like rich and sweet chocolate, it’s a must-try.

  • Akira Simizu

    Akira Simizu


    If you like chocolate (who doesn't?), vanilla beans is a wonderful café where you can enjoy a variety of chocolate delight. The place is quite popular and you may have to wait a bit... If you just want to buy some delicious chocolate, you can skip the café line. Crowd Size: Very High (20min wait) Payment Method: Credit Card

  • Jeon San

    Jeon San


    It's a pretty pricy but so small amount, and the coffee and cholatte are nothing special at all. But the staff are kind. It's not like Japanese atmosphere, which i really like. I dont recommend much.

  • Cep Garcia

    Cep Garcia


    Lunch time on Sunday and got immediately seated to the cafe. The shopping area is busy and it gets pretty loud. Visited once right before corona started (2 years ago). That time we had to wait a while in the cold to get seated. Pay as you order system and CASH ONLY. Go to the counter to order and pay for your drink or meal. Surprised they still don't have electronic payment. They do have an app but looks like it's only for points. Like last time I ordered a seasonal hot chocolate drink. This year it's Maple nuts chocolate. I was told the hot version is more bitter compared to the iced, it was still too sweet for my taste. I remember the Christmas '19 drink as thicker and better though. Drinks come with 2 service cookies. English menu 🆗 Cash only ✅

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