valor Muroten w Toyohashi

Japoniavalor Muroten



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒441-8087 Aichi, Toyohashi, Murochō, Kitashioda, 豊橋柳生川南部土地区画整理事業70街区2画地
kontakt telefon: +81 532-38-9011
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.7464682, Longitude: 137.3619623

komentarze 5

  • 松井陽介



    You can buy pizza from a bakery at a reasonable price 🎵 It's not cut into pieces, so cut it into the size you like, warm it up, and eat it ☺️




    This time I found some delicious looking grapes so I bought them. There was also a set with pears and apples! Closed at 19:00 on Saturday, September 30th. It's a shame that on rainy days, there are some insane people who park in the wheelchair parking lot whenever it becomes available. When I went to buy some, I saw that grapes (made in Chile) were on sale right after entering the entrance on the side of Akanoren, and as a grape lover, I decided to buy them. ️, I couldn't help but reach into the shopping cart with both hands and find several bunches each of large green and purple flowers in a very deep tray. ☺I spread out the shelves in the refrigerator and chilled it thoroughly for several days, enjoying a very satisfying sweet dessert. Please note that access construction has not yet been completed as of the end of March. I passed by it and there was a spacious parking lot, and it was large and had an Akanoren attached, so it looked like it was newly built, so I went to do some shopping as well as a tour. The inside of the store was empty and spacious, so I was able to take a leisurely look around.I bought canned beer, canned chuhai, and side dishes such as chashu pork, etc.I didn't have to wait in line at the cash register, so I plan to use it again when I'm passing by, but the road on my way home is... I have to walk through a narrow area in the direction of my home, and there are no traffic lights, so I hope that access will be improved as it is a fine facility.

  • Thomas Koenig

    Thomas Koenig



  • Primo De Leon

    Primo De Leon


    This place rinds me of Safeway back home in the states. Good quality and services all around.

  • Traveler



    Supermarket which open 9am to 9pm and you can spent some time with your friends and family because there are some fresh foods and eating place

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