Valor Mariko Shinden Shop i Shizuoka

JapanValor Mariko Shinden Shop



🕗 åbningstider

227-1 Mariko Shinden, Suruga Ward, Shizuoka, 421-0111, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 54-256-0011
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.9503033, Longitude: 138.3690392

kommentar 5

  • S



    I go sometimes and always regret it. You end up throwing away bad things and wasting your money. I can't buy fresh fish. I'm not going anymore.

  • lucky chitra

    lucky chitra


    Relatively cheaper produce.

  • おかめ



    When a personal injury accident occurred, the store manager was very polite from the beginning, even coming close to the victim and bringing a chair. It's inside the facility, but it's beautiful. Fresh food is probably the best in the area. On days when there are events, they sell out by the evening, so it might be better to go early. There are many kinds of side dishes and they are delicious.

  • Dympna Cassidy

    Dympna Cassidy


    Lots of fresh vegetables. So much of every kind of fish. Fresh baked bread . Car park . Bycicle racks . Great shopping.

  • iRub華



    The tuna is delicious. Barrow's milk comes in a wide variety of prices and flavors and is highly recommended. Vegetables and fruits are now cheaper to eat! 🍅 Looked delicious!

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