Valor Kitahama en Yokkaichi

JapónValor Kitahama



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11-27 Kitahamadachō, Yokkaichi, Mie 510-0062, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 59-359-2277
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.9604796, Longitude: 136.6242962

comentarios 5

  • 奥田潤



    I visited there first thing in the morning and bought some peaches. After lunch, when I went to eat one, it was rotten. I had no choice but to bite into another one. I took three bites and threw it away. Don't buy peaches at Barrow.

  • Chong Bibiana

    Chong Bibiana


    I haven't been here in a long, but they seem to have just renovated! Really lovely, and everything looks so bright. Dedicated patron here, always in favor of Valor 🤗

  • na ki

    na ki


    Fully reopened at the end of June 2024. I wasn't expecting it at all, but the atmosphere had changed surprisingly! The arrangement of the corners and the classification of categories is amazing. The energy level of our employees has definitely increased compared to before the renovation. The fresh fish corner in particular is always lively no matter what time of day you go. The quality of our products has also improved. When I go there an hour or two before closing, I don't encounter the young part-time workers working lazily and talking loudly, so it's easy to shop.

  • 沿道空豆



    I stopped by Barrow to do some shopping. This store is different from the Barrow in my neighborhood. There are a lot of items in the middle of the day. It's easy to shop and the prices vary, but on this day, I wonder if it's a cheap day. I felt it. The atmosphere is everywhere Yes, it's a matter of personal preference 🤔 🚗I like it because it's easy to park.

  • ぎょえ〜じゅん



    It's a nondescript supermarket. I went there at 6pm on a weekday, and I don't know if the meat and seafood items were sold out, but the selection was small. Alcohol and drinks are also more expensive than at drugstores. Also, the flow of customers is disorganized, making it difficult to shop. Free parking is large.

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