Uoroku Meike w Niigata

JaponiaUoroku Meike



🕗 godziny otwarcia

6-chōme-19-20 Meike, Chuo Ward, Niigata, 950-0941, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 25-284-6685
strona internetowej: www.uoroku.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 37.8914423, Longitude: 139.039555

komentarze 5

  • マシンガンピーナッツ



    This is a slightly unusual exterior of the Wallok. The inside of the store and the exterior are different from Genshin and have a nice taste.

  • InrI InrI

    InrI InrI


    I sometimes use the ready-made side dishes because they are so delicious. This time I bought sushi. The toppings were large and the taste was good. As expected from Woloku. It's much more delicious than using a poor conveyor belt sushi restaurant.

  • S m

    S m


    Today was a special sale day for fish. I bought a two-piece pack of Aji no Hiraki for 398 yen. This horse mackerel is just the right size for middle-aged and elderly couples. I like it. In addition, I bought a half pack of grilled mackerel for 398 yen. I think we have a very wide selection of vegetables that are shipped directly from farmers. I bought a small watermelon. Each ball costs about 600 to 860 yen. It was sweet and delicious. I was able to buy green onions, which have been expensive recently, at a relatively low price today. A pack of two reasonably thick green onions cost 130 yen. I was taking reservations for eel. It seems that a cell cash register will be introduced at the Meike store from July 8th. It's a little far from my house, but I visit the store from time to time and find great deals.

  • りらくま



    All the store staff here are kind and you can always shop comfortably. When I was packing the bag, I accidentally dropped an egg, but the clerk at the cash register rushed over and brought me a new one. Thank you for that section. On another day, he even carried my shopping cart to the place where I packed it, which I was very grateful for as I was traveling with a child. I was impressed by the kindness of the staff.

  • 池田和也



    There are various shops nearby, so you can stop by while you're there, making it convenient and easy to use.

najbliższy Supermarket

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