Uoroku en Seiro




🕗 horarios

1670-2 Shidaihama, Seiro, Kitakambara District, Niigata 957-0105, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 254-27-0033
sitio web: www.uoroku.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.005365, Longitude: 139.26744

comentarios 5

  • 田中祐介



    The store is small, but it's empty so I use it often.

  • きらり



    When it comes to meat, fresh fish, and side dishes, they always have the same selections, so it lacks the fun of shopping...💧 At the cash register, customers will not be given chopsticks, spoons, bags, etc. unless they ask, so be careful! ️ The boys working part-time must be working hard...💧 I don't have any ambition and feel lazy lol It's so unpleasant to see how unfaithful he gets when customers say things to him🙅‍♂️. Local residents only go to Socchi because it's the only one nearby, and if there were other places, local residents would rather go to Socchi.

  • 蘭太郎



    A compact supermarket. I think it will be very convenient for local people to shop. The customer service from the staff is also good. It's small so you don't have to walk around everywhere, but there aren't many items, so you don't have the fun of choosing or looking for bargains. It's probably the kind of shop you'd stop by while driving.

  • ガイア麗祥勇



    *Disinfectant spray installed next to the entrance* This is a small supermarket located along National Route 113. The parking lot, which is not very large, is not likely to be crowded except in the evening. Staff response was average.

  • Christina Larson

    Christina Larson


    The staff are so nice!

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