UNICUS Minami-Furuya i Kawagoe

JapanUNICUS Minami-Furuya



🕗 åbningstider

3-1 Izumichō, Kawagoe, Saitama 350-0026, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 49-235-8275
internet side: www.unicus-sc.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.905271, Longitude: 139.5133528

kommentar 5

  • Hum Sirengo

    Hum Sirengo


    Awesome! Many shops and restaurants including a place for children to play. You could just go and relax too

  • Sheryl Gim

    Sheryl Gim


    Nice spot to shop for basic things and pet stuff. Restaurants are limited. There’s a theater in there. There’s also a pet clinic where we frequent.

  • Gnosis Essene

    Gnosis Essene


    great place for shopping, movies & dating a girl !

  • Jesus the Messiah is God

    Jesus the Messiah is God


    Event it's not very popular mall in town, but still you can find unique stauff and daily need. There is bowling arena, cinema, etc

  • Lynda Hogan (InSaitama)

    Lynda Hogan (InSaitama)


    For a local centre, it is quite good. I find it particularly good for small babies and toddlers. The Babies-r-us has great facilities including a nappy changing area, feeding room, boiling water and microwave. There are 3 free play areas. One in babies-r-us and two in the food court. One of the play areas is ideal for babies between 6 and 18 months. The other play area in the food court is suitable for toddlers and young children. There isn't a great selection of shops, but enough to pick up necessities. The Yaoko supermarket is a decent size and the home store is large with a good range of products. There are a couple of clothes and shoe stores. They have some classes including a Yamaha music school. There are restaurants and the food court is quite decent too.

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