Ueshima Coffee Nikko-toshogu-ten i Nikko

JapanUeshima Coffee Nikko-toshogu-ten



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Japan, 〒321-1431 Tochigi, Nikko, Sannai, 2301 日光東照宮新宝物館 1F
kontakter telefon: +81 288-25-6811
internet side: shop.ufs.co.jp
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Latitude: 36.7559666, Longitude: 139.6000733

kommentar 5

  • Zaven Muradyan

    Zaven Muradyan


    Very nice cafe, the crepe cake and melon soda were delicious!

  • K C

    K C


    Coffee is so light and too sweet

  • Johan Björefeldt

    Johan Björefeldt


    Nice place to stop for coffee or a snack after the Toshogu Shrine. Good air conditioning, nice pork cutlet sandwich, all right coffee. There are plenty of seats, but we came at a crowded time and still had to wait a minute for a table to open up.

  • Fairy



    Delicious toasted sandwich in this self-service cafe. We came at 1pm on a Wednesday and it was quite empty.

  • Allen Hung

    Allen Hung


    Completely overwhelmed by black tea with honey and coffee with brown suger. View is an addup.

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