Ueshima Coffee i Fukuoka

JapanUeshima Coffee



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2-chōme-8-221 Tenjin, Chuo Ward, Fukuoka, 810-0001, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 92-725-7736
internet side: shop.ufs.co.jp
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Latitude: 33.590222, Longitude: 130.397717

kommentar 5

  • Aries



    Can get very nice black here

  • G M

    G M


    Surprisingly the coffee isn't bad. It would have been nice if they had more espresso option. Seems like drip coffee is their main. Coffee is not very complex in flavor but clean. atmosphere is simple coffee shop. It feels a bit clustered.

  • Joe Justice

    Joe Justice


    Bright and clean, re-opened April 18 2023. New hours 9am to 5pm. 4 different types of seats and wifi. Not all Ueshima Coffees do morning toast, but this one does, and you can even add boiled eggs one at a time to get your protein in. Good jazz music at a moderate volume and signature brass and copper cups for the iced coffee as always.

  • Fernando Hatsumura

    Fernando Hatsumura


    Nice cafe with Jazz background music located in the Shoutengai. I had the egg salad sandwich morning set with coffee (¥700). There are also other options for breakfast.

  • edwin kon chee how

    edwin kon chee how


    The sesame latte is really unique. You can taste the sesame in ur slightly sweetened latte. It's a perfect recipe and hardly found in other coffee chain stores inside or outside of Japan. A must have whenever I visited Japan.

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