Ueno Station Post Office w Taito City

JaponiaUeno Station Post Office



🕗 godziny otwarcia

6-chōme-15-1 Ueno, Taito City, Tokyo 110-0005, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 3-3832-1615
strona internetowej: map.japanpost.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.7106089, Longitude: 139.7759293

komentarze 5

  • PhotoTeam ROLCC

    PhotoTeam ROLCC


    My brother’s wife tried to send a package to her niece in a US Navy base in Kanagawa but got held up in Shinjuku Post Office due to unclear sender address info in mid Feb. I came last week for the case, and sought help from this PO. I met a very patient and helpful staff that tried his best to get that resolved and released the mail hold from Shinjuku PO ! We communicated fine using Google translate 👍👍 ! Sorry did not get his name ! So the packet was delivered immediately the day after to the receiver address and left a notice for pick up ! Our family is very happy about the efficient problem solving staff at this PO ! We would like extend our gratitude & thank you so very much for his great job done ! Excellent service delivery 👏👏👍👍🙏🙏 !

  • Brian Ameyen

    Brian Ameyen


    Had a wonderful experience here ! The customer service is top-notch ! After having trouble somewhere else, I went there and the lady that took care of me was perfect ! Even with my few Japanese words and some English, she guided me through everything ! I deeply recommend this Japan Post office !

  • Yves Chan

    Yves Chan


    Awesome service and got my postcards delivered. I am grateful to the girl who assisted me, even in the face of a language barrier.

  • Mohd Faizal

    Mohd Faizal


    Very helpfull staff

  • Aaron W.

    Aaron W.


    The people at this post office were very happy to help us send an odd-size package home, despite the language barrier. Thank you for a good experience!

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