Uemaru w Kawanehon




🕗 godziny otwarcia

1215-12 Senzu, Kawanehon, Haibara District, Shizuoka 428-0411, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 80-1620-0358
strona internetowej: www.uemaru.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.1088476, Longitude: 138.1382136

komentarze 5

  • 夏澄



    Yuru Camp△ Order Nagashima Dam Curry and Kawane Green Tea Latte on a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land The curry is very filling and delicious, with large fried shrimp and bacon as landmarks, as well as lots of vegetables! You can adjust the sweetness of the matcha latte as well, so it's perfect for a meal. Ordering is done using a touch-panel ticket vending machine and self-service, but the food is delivered fairly quickly. (Supports various cashless payments) The atmosphere inside the store is very calm, and of course it is perfect for use as a cafe. Yuru Camp△ is also famous as a sacred place, and there are exhibits related to the original work throughout the store. As a fan, I'm very happy (If you're having trouble locating the store, be sure to check out the tourist information center in front of the station! You can also get recommendations for Yuru Camp△ here.) It was a good shop with everything of a high standard!

  • Tokutoru



    Today, May 24th, I used the shop when I returned to Senzu on the way back from the Nagashima Dam adventure walk on the Minami Alps Abt Line. This restaurant is famous for its Nagashima Dam curry. Nagashima Dam from Yuru Camp Package was also on sale and I purchased it. The rice is likened to a dam, and the curry is held back, making the curry both visually appealing and delicious. When you buy a meal ticket, a number is printed on the receipt, and the information is sent to the staff inside.If you wait at the table, they will call your number, and you can pick it up at the counter. . I have uploaded photos of things related to Yuru Camp in the shop, Nagashima Dam Curry, the Dam Curry I bought as souvenirs, and the appearance of the souvenirs, so I hope you will use them as a reference when you visit.

  • よもぎくんです。



    2024.4.29 I came here with my family because I wanted to try the dum curry that appeared in Yuru Camp. My daughter has Nagashima curry! My wife had Oigawa dam curry, and I had Shiogo dam curry. The curry roux was very authentic, spicy and very tasty. The dam curry I ate contained fried river fish (probably sweetfish), and it was fried so crispy and fluffy that you couldn't feel the bones, and it was insanely delicious! The Oigawa dam curry was topped with game meat, and I received a piece of meat, but it was very delicious without the animal smell. It was worth coming. For uncles, we recommend Shiogo dam curry lol Thank you for the meal! !

  • Muhil Kratheesh

    Muhil Kratheesh


    I tried blueberry smoothie and its one the best smoothies I had so far

  • N.Macchan



    Small cafeteria. Green tea smoothie and blueberry smoothie were so tasty.

najbliższy Kawiarnia

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