Tully's Coffee i Takamatsu

JapanTully's Coffee



🕗 åbningstider

2217-21 Hayashichō, Takamatsu, Kagawa 761-0301, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 87-864-3410
internet side: shop.tullys.co.jp
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Latitude: 34.2923369, Longitude: 134.0612844

kommentar 5

  • ジウの目



    I bought drinks and snacks to study, and as I was studying, I was warned not to study. I'm sure there were other people who should have been warned, such as people who were away for more than 30 minutes in a place where you can't leave your seat for more than 10 minutes, but I still don't understand why they only warned us. It's not like I'm studying without buying anything. Although the food and drinks I bought were delicious enough, my impression of Tully's Coffee suddenly deteriorated. I will never come again. I would like to see a change in the attitude of store staff.

  • K T

    K T



  • Simon Wong

    Simon Wong


    This is living! Thx A place to heal! Great

  • mamapanda



    I used it for the first time in several months on the 3rd and 4th. Customer service is very polite and kind. When the drinks are ready, you are usually called by the number on the receipt, but on both days a male staff member saw me using a cane and delivered them to my seat. (He is also handsome and very kind) For some reason, I had to order multiple drinks by myself, but they were very flexible and helpful. I would like to go when this person is there.

  • Johnathan Perkins

    Johnathan Perkins


    This is a relatively new place, very close to Kagawa University. It's not quite the view at the level of Starbucks at Shibuya crossing, but the second floor has huge windows to view the intersection of Sunshine Road. You may have to wait your turn, though. Seating is limited and it can be busy.

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