Tully's Coffee w Kumamoto

JaponiaTully's Coffee



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-2-1 Tainoshima, Minami Ward, Kumamoto, 862-0965, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 96-214-3232
strona internetowej: shop.tullys.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.7701462, Longitude: 130.7278303

komentarze 5

  • Tんを



    I'm addicted to honey milk latte and use it often. Sometimes the peak will be different depending on how you put it in. The taste remains the same. Maybe lol The store is located in the back, but it seems like it's usually crowded. It may not be suitable for those who want to relax in peace and quiet by themselves.If you don't mind a little noise, it's fine. There are many people who are alone. Sometimes I startle when I hear a loud noise coming from the kitchen (^_^;) I hear it often, so it may be necessary, but I wonder if something can be done about it...

  • 食いしんぼ娘。



    Tully's on the 3rd floor of Youme Town At the front entrance on the first floor There is a Starbucks Because it is a prominent location and there is a lot of foot traffic. If you want to spend a quiet and relaxing time, this is recommended! There was only one customer on this day. Everyone is working or studying Almost no one is talking It was so quiet that it was hard to talk (lol) It feels like a hideaway There is also a sofa seat, so it is stylish and convenient! The coffee is also delicious ☺︎

  • shinri oyama

    shinri oyama


    I stopped by with my daughter for a break from shopping. The clerk's movements are quick and quiet. I thought the customer was thinking about it.

  • チョコミン党



    I love potato chestnuts, so I ordered the OIMO latte (short) and Mont Blanc, which can only be enjoyed at this time of year. First, when I took a bite of the whipped OIMO latte, it had more of a potato flavor than I expected. However, it was a little tough to keep eating that much, so I mixed the whole thing thoroughly and drank it. It was good at first, but gradually the sweetness started to dominate my mouth. Mont Blanc has no chestnut taste at all. Is it because I drink too much Western alcohol? I'm glad I ordered the American one as well, knowing that both would be sweet😅 The American one was the most delicious lol I've tried a lot of Tully's Coffee foods, but personally Mont Blanc was a disappointment. Looking forward to the next food! ︎

  • White Lion

    White Lion


    Tully's Coffee is located on the third floor of Yume Town. This is a relaxing cafe with a calm interior. There are many tables, and there is also a corner with picture books, so I think it is easy to use even by yourself or with children. The menu is extensive, and in addition to drinks, they also have pasta, lasagna, and hot sandwiches, making it perfect for lunch. This time, I ordered a cafe latte and cinnamon square. Café latte has a rich flavor due to the espresso and plenty of steamed milk. The cinnamon square was also delicious and not too sweet.

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