土古里 上野バンブーガーデン店 i Taitō-ku

Japan土古里 上野バンブーガーデン店



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Japan, 〒110-0007 Tōkyō-to, Taitō-ku, Uenokōen, 1, バンブー ガーデン 3F
kontakter telefon: +81 3-5807-2255
internet side: www.to-ko-ri.jp
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Latitude: 35.7124821, Longitude: 139.7746703

kommentar 5

  • en

    Steven Carl


    Excellent service and great food. The quality of the steak was outstanding. Our pork belly was also delicious. The staff was very accommodating to our children and even brought them a prize at the end of the meal. We visited twice and both experiences were exceptional. Highly recommend

  • Daniel Salcedo

    Daniel Salcedo


    Very good Yakiniku place, they have an all-you-can-eat option for aboit 5,000 yen that includes Japanese beef and side dishes. A great place to go if you want to try different things. The staff is quite friendly but the service can be a bit slow when the restaurant is full.

  • Aly L

    Aly L


    Not very impressed given the great reviews. We ordered the 9 meat plate for $70 which wasn't tasty enough for the price. Some of the meats were sub par. The service was only OK. Our server was able to understand our order and help us but then we barely saw her after that. We had to flag someone down to get water, order more and get the check otherwise we would sit here for more than ten minutes. I expected more from this restaurant especially since we love Japanese BBQ.

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    Fleur Lapthorne


    Awesome place to spend our last night in Tokyo. I have never seen our boys enjoy meat so much!

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    Hiroyuki Fukuda


    At this popular restaurant you get one of the best juicy & tender grilled Japanese beef branded as "Yamagata-gyuu" in Korean style or "Yakiniku" in Japanese. Staff members are quick and friendly to respond to your requests. Situated very close to JR Ueno station, within 3 minutes' walk from the "Yamashita exit" of the station. Better to reserve a table in advance, especially in busy dinner time at weekends.

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