Tsukiji Business Hotel Ban in Chūō-ku

JapanTsukiji Business Hotel Ban


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Japan, 〒104-0045 Tōkyō-to, Chūō-ku, Tsukiji, 3 Chome−17, 築地3丁目17−10
kontakte telefon: +81 3-3543-8411
webseite: www.hotelban.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.6659371, Longitude: 139.7716449

kommentare 5

  • en

    anthony tiono


    Friendly staff, but old building. Overall, worth your money

  • en



    good - approach to tsukiji morning market. kind staff bad - old room, facility

  • Matthew Bolhouse

    Matthew Bolhouse


    Excellent hotel for the price. Staff was very nice.

  • en

    Cheryl Walton


    Clean simple room. Small but that's normal for Tokyo. Friendly staff. Traffic a bit noisy at night (was on third floor). Best thing is the location, a five minute walk to Tsukiji fish market in the morning.

  • Juli Okayama

    Juli Okayama


    I stayed in the 2nd floor of the hotel for 2 nights. It's located right next to the Tsukiji fish market, and is also within walking distance of Ginza. Most of the key attractions in Tokyo are accessible within 30 minutes, as there is an underground station 2 minutes away. The hotel itself is rather small and has limited facilities as it does not have a large reception, large cafeteria or gym, but it is perfect for those looking for a short stay in a good location in Tokyo.

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