つかさ歯科 w Nagoya




🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒462-0853 Aichi, Nagoya, Kita Ward, Shigahondōri, 1-chōme−21, M's Flats, 2F
kontakt telefon: +81 52-911-6660
strona internetowej: tukasadc.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.1962984, Longitude: 136.9163897

komentarze 5

  • ai& co

    ai& co


    The worst (angry) dentist's attitude is too bad. I will never go there again (angry) I have been indebted to you for several years now. At that time, the false tooth came off. I went there for the first time in a long time. After the treatment, I asked, ``How is it?'' Because I was asked When I answered, ``I feel a little uncomfortable,'' ``But I guess this will be okay.'' ``What I've been saying for a while now is ``I've turned 2 and 3 times.'' (Furious) I asked, ``Will it get used to it after 2-3 days?'' "I haven't heard your opinion" (furious) Immediately after such treatment I still feel uncomfortable, but I don't know what to do. I don't think I can answer right away. (rage) We have known each other for a long time I will never go there again. Name of the doctor with the worst attitude I should have asked. This is my first time reading a Google review, but I was so angry (angry).

  • ps tt

    ps tt


    I came here looking for a dentist who offers painless treatment. Even though I wrote in my medical record that I was sensitive to pain, the anesthesia was not an automatic injection like it says on the website, and it was the most painful experience of my life. It's enough to make a grown man cry. Moreover, I was told that the nerves would be removed after being anesthetized, and this was the first time I had the nerves removed. I will never ask you again. It's mildly traumatic.

  • れろく



    I had the impression that I had to wait a long time on the examination table at the dentist, but here I was treated very quickly! They will explain to you that the X-rays will be slow, so let's clean during that time, before doing anything else! ! I finally found a good dentist for the first time in a long time!

  • coco



    A few years ago, I suddenly developed a panic disorder and almost gave up on going to the dentist. After my child's checkup, I gathered courage and honestly told the director about my health condition, and he agreed with me, so that I could receive treatment myself. The director treats each patient with kindness, considers treatment costs within a reasonable range, and I think the unprecedented technology is also wonderful. The staff are also full of smiles♪

  • 3 sao

    3 sao


    He is a dentist where you can feel very safe and receive treatment. The root of a tooth that had been replaced in the past cracked and filled with pus, and the pain was so intense that I visited our office. At first I felt anxious, but the treatment was explained in a concise and thorough manner and I was able to receive the treatment with peace of mind. I had a tooth extracted, but the procedure was smooth and the anesthesia only tingled a little, and it was gone in no time. I've been to many different dentists, but I finally found one where I can feel at ease. I think both the dental hygienist and the receptionist are kind, polite, and very responsive.

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