Tsuboya Kibana no mori in Asahikawa

JapanTsuboya Kibana no mori



🕗 öffnungszeiten

19-chōme-218-2-103 Minami 6 Jōdōri, Asahikawa, Hokkaido 078-8336, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 166-39-1600
webseite: www.tsuboya.net
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 43.75245, Longitude: 142.3729624

kommentare 5

  • Jacqueline Ketcham Raftery

    Jacqueline Ketcham Raftery


    Such a cute place! There is free wifi and nice places to sit.

  • Wes Erck

    Wes Erck


    Excellent pastries. Huge selection. Great coffee. I had the cappuccino.

  • Shingo



    Kibana no Mori is not your typical omiyage (souvenir) shop. It’s more like a multi-functional space, integrating several services under one roof. Aside from its own retail space showcasing its popular confections, it also has a cafe where guests could enjoy some of their sweet creations, as well as a library with books for guests to read free of charge (unfortunately it’s all in Japanese), all housed next to their production kitchens where their famous confections, cakes and pastries are made. They even have culinary classes for kids. Tsuboya, the company behind Kibana no Mori, is known for their confection, the Kibana, which won numerous Monde Selection awards and has become their main product. Kibana no Mori is the only place in Hokkaido where all 3 flavours of Kibana are sold (i.e. original, strawberry and chocolate). They have free samples for all 3 flavours which you can try at the retail section. The Kibana tastes really good and makes a perfect gift. Visiting Kibana no Mori was definitely one of the few memorable highlights from my recent trip to Asahikawa. The decor and style of the place has a modern Japanese feel, using a lot of wood with simple clean designs and utilising natural and warm lighting, creating a warm and cozy ambience. Lounging at the cafe while enjoying the cakes and coffee while overlooking their garden felt so relaxing and peaceful. One thing that you have to try would be their apple pie which is very popular with the locals. It’s got this lovely flaky crust that just crumbles in your mouth. The diced apples were perfectly cooked and still has that bite to it which was great (hate it when the apples are overcooked making soft a mushy). It was also not overly sweet with a nice refreshing tanginess. The apples were enveloped with a thin layer of frangipane, adding a dash of nutty aroma. As for their other cake and snack selections, it really depends on what you order. Some are pretty good while others are pretty average. The place is pretty quiet during the weekdays but gets more local crowd on the weekends (we visited the place twice, once on a weekday and once on a weekend, and noticed the difference in the crowd). Please do note that if you wish to try their apple pie, it’s best to try it on a weekday as it’ll be sold out very quickly on a weekend, unless you arrive there early on a weekend. I noticed that practically all their customers are locals. It could be that most tourists either don’t know of the place or don’t know how to get here as it’s inconvenient get to (not near a train station or requires a lot of walking) Fear not as it’s as simple as taking a bus. Just head on over to bus stop number 27 (located in front of Hotel Route-Inn Grand Asahikawa Ekimae) and take bus 71. Then get off at 5 jo 20 chome (if you’re unsure you can refer to Google maps for navigation, just remember to get off just before the cross junction a street away from the building as the bus will turn the other direction away from the building). If you’re a fan of sweets, confections and lounging at relaxing cafes, then this place is recommended for you. It’s definitely 4 stars in my books.

  • Istvan Steve Lorincz

    Istvan Steve Lorincz


    Mondo selection cookies, kibana ( winter diamond) chocolate, white, brown and strawberry, and much much more. Very comfortable environment.




    Nice place to sample and buy the full range of Tsuboya confectionery products here! Tsuboya is a famous local confectionery in Asahikawa and they have just opened this flagship store here. Plenty of parking as there is a big supermarket just next door. Eat-in options are available for a nice afternoon tea.

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