Tsubame Coffee w Tsubame

JaponiaTsubame Coffee



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2760-1 Yoshida, Tsubame, Niigata 959-0264, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 256-77-8781
strona internetowej: tsubamecoffee.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 37.6922239, Longitude: 138.8873834

komentarze 5

  • あゆみ



    I've been curious about this store for a long time, and I finally went there today! I recently started drinking black coffee, so I had cold brew coffee. It was very easy to drink and the flavor of the beans was strong and delicious. A straw with a pattern like that of a barber 💈 also looks cute (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)

  • Alex Treviño

    Alex Treviño


    Great ambience for just chilling. If you have a sweet tooth, I recommend having the coffee jelly with soft-serve ice cream. 🤩

  • でかおぎ



    There is a beauty salon, a coffee shop, and the sale of books and accessories related to the owner's hobbies. All the items were wonderful. This time, we will be purchasing food, drinks, and small items. In addition to the special coffee, I also received a cake. All were delicious. You can eat and drink indoors as well as in the garden. It was May, so having coffee outside was special. The flowers and trees in the garden were well taken care of, and the flowers were blooming, making it very pleasant. The signboard dog was sitting inside the store. He is a quiet dog.

  • Ecume .desJours

    Ecume .desJours


    Fantastic iced cafe au lait Like a more complex iced cafe latte

  • Daniel Yeoh

    Daniel Yeoh


    Great little coffee place that offers Oji slow drip coffee, small space for reading and some items for sale.

najbliższy Kawiarnia

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