Tsubakiya Coffee Shop Shinjuku w Shinjuku City

JaponiaTsubakiya Coffee Shop Shinjuku



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Japan, 〒160-0022 Tokyo, Shinjuku City, Shinjuku, 3-chōme−36−12 杉忠ビル 2F・3F
kontakt telefon: +81 3-5360-6966
strona internetowej: www.towafood-net.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.6906346, Longitude: 139.7020481

komentarze 5

  • Dickson Sim

    Dickson Sim


    Easily accessible from Shinjuku station. Cosy place to take a break. Apparently it has two entrances and only one is the right one. The staff were friendly, the tea was good. There were only four choices for lunch, but many desserts and cakes to choose from. No charging and no wifi.

  • Lewis Lau

    Lewis Lau


    Good traditional style Japanese coffee. Great cakes and ambience. Love the old themed seating. Worth to come for an afternoon coffee.

  • Justin C

    Justin C


    Amazing retro cafe with great coffee and delicate cake. We tried the black tea chiffon cake which was very light and perfectly sweet. I normally take my coffee black but it's amazing with the cream here. The coffee alone is a tad on the expensive side but the set meals are fair. They do have an English menu via QR code and our server was very accommodating. Looking around at lunch time, it's a popular spot for locals to do business. Every table has a laptop out and seems to be having meetings with one another. They also have a smoking room for even more retro vibes

  • Leung Zoe

    Leung Zoe


    They provide English menu and you can just scan the QR code on each page to retrieve it. Not a problem if you don’t speak Japanese. Flawless choice. The glass window is so beautiful and the food is exceptionally good. They serve the coffee directly from the filter pot and the pour it out at the table in front of you, which is definitely an enjoyable entertainment.

  • Love Ukulele

    Love Ukulele


    Friendly and local Japanese decorations Good music Good coffee Good cake Good services Highly recommend afternoons cake set, good value Very smart by using QR code you able to find English and Chinese menu Surprisingly they use Royal Copenhagen coffee cup sets

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