Toyouke Chaya in Kyoto

JapanToyouke Chaya



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Japan, 〒602-8384 Kyoto, Kamigyo Ward, Kamiyagawachō, 今出川通御前西入紙屋川町822
kontakte telefon: +81 75-462-3662
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.0278106, Longitude: 135.7356004

kommentare 5

  • Stephen Wee

    Stephen Wee


    Fabulous tofu in many varieties … and tastes No meat just tofu down in many wondrous ways

  • Todd Hooper

    Todd Hooper


    This shop specializes in tofu and other soy dishes. I had the yudofu, which was very delicious. If you buy a set meal, you can try a lot of the soy products. It is well worth stopping here if you are visiting the nearby shrine. Just be sure to come early to get in before a line forms. This shop is very popular.

  • Mariz Choo

    Mariz Choo


    Super delicious yet reasonable tofu restaurant!!! Each tofu dish was made carefully and in their own unique way, they all stood out differently. It is also quite similar to Chinese food, as we also use ginkgo nuts to cook along with yuba. They also sell yogurt, soy milk, etc for you to buy home. Service is good too! ✨ I heard it can get pretty crowded but I went on a weekday afternoon so there wasn’t a need to queue in my case. Anyway, there is a shrine nearby so you can come here to get lunch after visiting the shrine :)

  • Stephen Shao Chi-Ching

    Stephen Shao Chi-Ching


    Be prepared for a long queue. We visited on Sunday around 13:00, and waiting outside for one hour, then got our meal around 14:30. However it is totally worth it. You won’t image how a simple Tofu can turn into such delicious dishes!

  • Katherine Chan

    Katherine Chan


    A tofu focused restaurant and shop. The restaurant is exceptionally popular. We went 15 minutes before open and there was already a line. I was disappointed as the most comprehensive lunch set was sold out despite the fact that we were among the first customers in the door. The food is pretty good. Unlike the other reviews, I wouldn't say it was life changing but definitely worth a visit if you're in the area. The shop has good tofu pudding and all prices are affordable.

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