Toyota Kamiike Post Office en Toyota

JapónToyota Kamiike Post Office



🕗 horarios

1-chōme-103-14 Nomiyamachō, Toyota, Aichi 471-0813, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 565-88-0700
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.0723791, Longitude: 137.1856374

comentarios 5

  • choco kuroshiba

    choco kuroshiba


    I'd like to use it because it's on a road I often pass, but the parking lot is very narrow and difficult to get into, so I've refrained from using it.

  • ぬん



    I use this store from time to time, but this was the first time I had a disappointing experience. It was regular mail, but I was asked to write the address on the top of the page so it would be easy to understand, but there was no smile from beginning to end, which made me feel bad. I also thought that it would be understandable if there was a name attached to the address, so is it okay if it is included? When I asked about this, I was told that it would be difficult to tell if there were a lot of luggage, but the receptionist said, "Is this the correct address?" Isn't it better to ask the customer? Maybe it was because of the heat or because I had a lot of luggage, but at the end I looked tired and felt sick. When I put my package on the desk, it didn't feel like it was handled with care, and I felt bad because other post offices in the area were very responsive. I didn't know the name of the receptionist, but she was a chubby older woman who usually worked there, but she wore glasses. He looks ugly and doesn't seem like his life is going well.

  • 渡辺比呂美



    There's a post office in front of my house, so it's helpful! During midsummer gift season, I order boxed juices, and the juices with fruit pulp are delicious, so I often order them! The round peaches and grapes were delicious!

  • ルビー



    I went to Toyota for work and had to make a payment, so I made time to find this post office and went in. However, they didn't give priority to the customers and the staff were sitting at the counter, talking to each other while I waited. However, as there was no sign that I would be called, I decided that this was no longer possible and looked for another bank to make the payment. I'm surprised this is the worst post office. If talking between the two of you is more important than the customer, do it behind the scenes. It's very unpleasant for customers!! This is a truly incredible post office. I will never go there again, but that would never happen in Nagoya!!

  • プクプクもち



    All the staff members are kind and I go there often. We also recommend making reservations for New Year's cards here! !

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