Toyoko Inn Oita Nakatsu Ekimae in Nakatsu

JapanToyoko Inn Oita Nakatsu Ekimae


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10-11 Toyodamachi, Nakatsu, Oita 871-0058, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 979-25-1045
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.599245, Longitude: 131.1893574

kommentare 5

  • Michael Zysman

    Michael Zysman


    Americans traveling by bike and we stopped here with a last minute booking. The staff was very attentive and respectful. The rooms are small but clean and comfortable with western style amenities. The WiFi was bad and barely worked at times. The free breakfast was decent. Overall a good value for a quick stop here.

  • Anna Valli

    Anna Valli


    I arrived on my own with luggage and my baby at 2pm and they didn't allow us to check in until 4pm because of the rules even if the room was ready...! Unbelievable

  • Piyawat B

    Piyawat B


    Standard hotel close to Nakatsu station. Parking lot is served on first come first serve with less than 1.8 meter height. We use coin parking lot nearby, 600Yen per night. Room size is standard with full amenities. Breakfast is standard. Very convenient

  • Martin Holman

    Martin Holman


    Comfortable, immaculate rooms and excellent hotel staff. But the previously excellent breakfast buffet that Tokyo Inns used to provide are now a measly shadow of their former abundant and tasty glory. What a disappointment.

  • Henri Prinz

    Henri Prinz


    Breakfast is quite poor I wouldn't even call it breakfast. Rooms are small but that's normal in Japan what makes the rooms bad is that way they are laid out and the paper thin walls. I have been in Japanese hotels with less room but much better layout so I felt comfortable in them not in this hotel. Never again for me.

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