Toyoko INN Kagoshima Chuo eki Higashiguchi i Kagoshima

JapanToyoko INN Kagoshima Chuo eki Higashiguchi


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26-25 Chūōchō, Kagoshima, 890-0053, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 99-813-1045
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Latitude: 31.581988, Longitude: 130.543495

kommentar 5

  • Kc Law

    Kc Law


    Staff at front desk refused to make a restaurant reservation for us.

  • Jethrine Bayona

    Jethrine Bayona


    Best night ever, the amenities is so great.

  • Vincent Mok

    Vincent Mok


    As others have mentioned the main pros are proximity to the station, and breakfast. Cons is the rooms smell like cigarette smoke which was annoying but you get over it. Google maps doesn't navigate you smoothly for some reason. If you are taking the train, follow the sky path/bridge over until you cross to the side the hotel is on.. Overall I think good value for money

  • Ken Au Yeung

    Ken Au Yeung


    The hotel is a bit old but in general, not too run down. There are a few Toyoko Inn around the station. In fact when I search on Google Map, it point me to the wrong one. The bed is very hard so getting a good sleep is difficult for me. The breakfast is good. The shower is flashing between hot and cold every 2 to 3 seconds in the morning. Taking a shower in the morning is not comfortable. Overall, is ok and for the price, I may still come back or pick the newer one.

  • Martina Yen

    Martina Yen


    The receptionists are really friendly, and wifi can connect well, the Window view above 10 floor is colorful ferris wheel. The airport line bus station is just nearby hotel

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